
Talk2Us | Passage2Ovation

Published: 14 December 2018

As a specialist in the enterprise engagement field that strives to ensure organisations reach their targeted audience in a way they respond to, Talk2Us is proud to launch Passage2Ovation.

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Putting your staff centre-stage on their path to achieving acknowledgement for their efforts.

In collaboration with Matthew Counihan, educated in psychology, actor and business trainer, Passage2Ovation has been designed to create relationships within your organisation that transforms thinking across the board, transformation which is visible to your client and capable of delivering an everlasting experience that will receive a standing ovation from your clients.


Business re-imagined and connected

Passage2Ovation recognises that engaged employees are those who participate in decision-making and are valued by their teams. As Baby Boomers retire from the workforce, Millennials– born between 1981 and 1996 – bring a new sense of energy and connectedness.

Not only are they Digital Natives, they are Networked Natives... They have grown up connected by devices and platforms from which they receive instant and ongoing feedback.

It’s about likes and follows; speaking and being heard. Their personal brand and reputation is highly valued and affirmed by engagement. Talk2Us CEO Linda Hamman and Matthew Counihan work with these characteristics to ensure you are all on the same set, performing in the same show, receiving a standing ovation.


Here’s why you need a ticket to this show...

To ensure your talent is constantly aiming for that standing ovation in business, they must feel heard, valued and inspired. The C-Suite understands this but often don’t have the necessary know-how to make this happen. Through Pasage2Ovation, we inspire from a place that takes “the way we’ve always done it” to “imaginatively engaged” thereby creating engaged star performers in your organisation.

By taking your employees through the rites of passage designed to motivate by shining a spotlight on their personal brand and aspirations, the Talk2Us/Counihan collaboration combines ardent passion for performance and the stage with knowledge of people and leadership. Counihan believes that we are surrounded by narrative and, therefore, the potential for storytelling and performance. This together with Counihan’s psychological background may make for the most exciting script – enabling every staff (cast) member to take centre-stage and become a Star Member; feeling acknowledged and remembered for their role in your business success. “Psychology with good corporate governance that encourages effective work and company loyalty by enabling every staff member to become a Star Member; feeling acknowledged and remembered for their role in your business success. Will most definitely set the stage ablaze” says Hamman

The often-quoted statement from Albert Einstein reminds us that “insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result”. Taking innovative action is the only way to get pioneering results – and ovations.

Talk2Us now about Passage2Ovation to get the best from and for your talent in 2019.

About Us

We are a consulting agency.  We collaborate with you to build confidence in your brand, across all your stakeholder groups, using the disciplines of powerful branding and marketing, attention grabbing communication, powerful customer experience programmes and fully aligned people development plans. Read more