As we go through life, we realise that experience and exposure are key to change and ultimately growth. Here at Talk2Us we believe that experience is key to the realisation of business-driven challenges and imperative which require behavioural change. Change is derived when people understand the need and believe their inputs will influence achieving the change. Our learning experience programmes are constructed with the need and know how to change top of mind. Click on the banners below to read more.
4C Engage will equip your leaders with the necessary skills to engage with a variety of stakeholders in a way that builds relationship and increase engagement within an organisation. During this interactive experience, leaders will be exposed to the "What" and "How" of leadership communication, summarised in a leadership toolkit.
The new frontier of disruption is Customer Experience – delivering the customers experience. Technology has improved the speed with which we respond to our clients and AI provides us with intuition regarding clients likes and dislikes based on their interactions. Ensuring that we align expectation to experience remains a challenge for most organisations. Our short learning programme helps your staff explore the role they play in creating the experience.
Interact2Engage Course Catalogue
Much of what we learn has its foundation on experience, but that experience has to be meaningful
and one that transforms our attitude and enhances our behaviours to enable us to deliver on the organisation’s sought-after reputation. Although our focus is in the area of business, certain of the skills can be applied in everyday life in any situation with any individual.