
Do you SNORKEL or SCUBA through life?

Progress usually begins with consciousness and results in action. Moving between the two landscapes, that of consciousness and action must be considered and executed with precision. 

Is your marketing budget going toward a BLAND?

A billboard on the Freeway had me in stiches of laughter… went something like this…

Culture may eat strategy for breakfast – without cadence there is nothing to eat – just a nasty smell of mothballs!

The famous saying Culture eats strategy for breakfast may be popular but the truth is that there will be no culture and no strategy without cadence. 

Conversations vs Communication – is there a difference?

Of course, there’s a difference!   Useful, well-articulated, Inspiring conversations result in emotions, emotions result in action.  Action propels an organisation forward – therefore it can be deduced that considered, meaningful conversations result in forward motion in organisations. Communication is a method of disseminating information.

Internal Messaging | Hitting or Missing the Mark?

In a world of constant, high-speed messaging, how do you get your audience to stop, consider and remember the message? You need more traction than a tyre on a Formula One car – because communicating effectively means information must stick. And not just any information – the info you most need understood and acted upon.

Keeping New Collar Workers Informed and Engaged

Consider that 3 out of 4 of your employees are New Collar and non-desk workers, are they underserved when it comes to corporate communication?  With most companies in a war for talent on the one side and increased competition on the other, as well as workers wanting a better work-life balance and enhanced work experience, there is a huge demand to connect and engage your workforce.

About Us

We are a consulting agency.  We collaborate with you to build confidence in your brand, across all your stakeholder groups, using the disciplines of powerful branding and marketing, attention grabbing communication, powerful customer experience programmes and fully aligned people development plans. Read more